I've been pretty focused, and frustrated in the whole job search, and very much aware of my outdated skills and the fact I'm not getting any younger. All the while I've been painting, and taking steps in the direction of where I want to go - - in the direction of my original plan, which was to make a living as an artist.
My plan was to find a job (any job), and slowly get my artwork out into the world. The job search has been stressful, and I've run into a lot of dead ends (so many that I've lost count). My stress management consisted of painting. Every day I painted. Within only a few short months I was selling some of my work from a great little shop in Salem, Oregon, and before I knew it my work was in three places in Salem, and one in Portland. In hind sight I can see that it all happened in a blink of an eye really.
Within two years I was selling my artwork from a gallery, in Cannon Beach, Oregon! Since then I've found my way into three galleries, started my own website, and have made numerous connections within the wonderful world of art and artists. It's thrilling to say I'm an international artist!
I kept thinking that someday . . . someday I would be making enough money from my artwork to support myself . . . and I was so busy thinking about "someday" that I didn't realize I was already living it! I was just too wrapped up in the fear of "what if."
What if? What if we dare to follow after our dream? What if we step around fear, and take that leap of faith?